Glen Berseth (University of Montreal)

Glen is an Assistant Professor at the Université de Montréal. His research has focused on solving sequential decision-making problems (planning) for real-world autonomous learning systems (robots)

Mitesh Patel (Nvidia)

Mitesh is Developer Relationship Manager at NVIDIA, where he works with researchers in higher education to execute their ideas using NVIDIA SDKs and platforms.

Alex Michele Santo (

Alex is the Founder and CEO of He’s aiming to make robotics learning more accessible, more affordable and more open.

James Forbes (McGill)

James is an Assistant Professor at McGill interested in control and estimation techniques for mechanical, aerospace, and robotic systems.

Igor Gilitschenski (University of Toronto)

Igor is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science at the University of Toronto where I lead the Toronto Intelligent Systems Lab. His work focuses on developing novel probabilistic and learning-based techniques for robotic perception and decision-making with the ultimate goal of enabling robust interactive autonomy.

Hsiu-Chin Lin (McGill)

Hsiu-Chin is an Assistant Professor at McGill is interested in the fields of robotics and machine learning for motor control. I am interested in enabling robots to assist humans in our everyday activities.

Giovanni Beltrame (Polytechnique Montréal )

Giovanni is a Professor at the Polytechnique of Montréal. He’s interested in intelligent systems, swarm robotics, multi-robot systems, and space robotics.

Jonathan Kelly (University of Toronto)

Jonathan is an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto. His research is focused on developing robust, multisensor perception algorithms that enable robots to operate safely over long periods of time and in challenging environments.

Océane Dhanaraj and Mathilde Hochedel (Kinova)

Océane is an Academic Sales Manager and Mathilde is a Field Application Engineer at Kinova working on robotic assistance technologies to provide humanity with robots that empower them to achieve the extraordinary everyday for various markets such as assistive, medical, industrial, educational and research.